Friday 13 January 2012

project 1a

so i set about trying to work out some locations ready for the photoshoot. this is Allison the make-up artist.
the easiest thing for Alli myself and the model, is that we do the shoot after work - at work.
we work in a brightly lit health centre.

we will shoot two sessions 25th January and 1st February
on the first evening Alli will do some very simple make - up this means we can both to get to know the model and allow us to make some mistakes.
on the second evening she will do much more dramatic make-up and hair to show off her creativity.

i didn't have my tripod, speedlight, reflector or a change of lens whilst i was taking the shots below, we were simply looking for areas with well lit/interesting backgrounds.

i have processed these images with Nik software making them mono or softening some edges.

it was so useful to have this practice run because i was able to think about where to put the model, where i needed to stand, what positions work best etc.
the health centre closes at 8pm so realistically i will only have a couple of hours to shoot as much as i can.

this is Allison and one shot of Wendy and are some of the shots we both think will work well.

the other thing i need to do is print some of the images, especially the grainy black and white shots.
Allison needs good quality pictures for her portfolio and obviously i need to present mine too. the last thing i want is that the images look ok on a computer but are unusable in real life.

the following images are shots Alli and i agreed we both liked from Tyra Banks - America's Next Top Model tv show. I'm sure i can do something similar..

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