Wednesday, 28 March 2012

sunshiny day

outside with Linzi

so here are two examples using the travel pack and different lamp shades..
the first is softer and golden and i really like the twinkle in her eye..

although just as pretty 
the second shot has more directional light and so highlights her face more..
i personally prefer the first image. maybe if i messed with the exposure levels i could brighten it a little.. 

inside with flowers

although i love these images 
with this first one the graduation between dark to light in the back ground is too obvious for me
i think we repaired it by covering the lamp which was set underneath..

are these slightly underexposed? 
again we fiddled with the light underneath because some how the light ate the tulip.

i quite like the blur of the leaves with this shot but it has leaked onto the the top of the petals 
i was using f20 if i could have made just the leaves blurry and the petals crisp oh and made the background less grey..........

this is my absolute favourite shot of the night...
a happy accident caused because the flash didn't sinc....
i like the graduated light and the strong yellow...

i've not cropped it or fiddled with it in any way..and i really like it

Sunday, 18 March 2012

studio lighting 2

again i started off totally underexposed

i improved the lighting in the centre of the image and used the 'pin hole' preset in silver efex 

studio lighting

as you can see i was totally underexposed..

it took a lot of fiddling in aperture and colour efex4 to create an image worth looking at.

although i'm not sure i like the composition